Employment and Training

Do you want to work in the textile industry, are you seeking training ?

Discover the diverse opportunities available in this field.

True balance of tradition and innovation, our SMEs recruit and train more than 3,000 employees every year throughout the country, in technical roles (machine operator, logistics specialist), creative pursuits (pattern maker), textile engineering, CSR fields and support specialties (sales, accountant).

Get an inside glimpse, your future job may be waiting for you.


Fashion, luxury but also medical, automotive, agriculture, the list goes on. As you can see, textile is everywhere, and the textile industry is recruiting! Would you like to discover more about these companies, job opportunities and textile careers?

French TEX is the employment and training portal for the France textile industry. Their focus is on the early career population seeking internships or training courses, employees undergoing career development training as well as jobseekers. www.frenchtex.org


Savoir pour faire

The website provides information on technical jobs, training and employment in the Fashion & Luxury sector.



Observatoire des métiers Textiles / Mode / Cuirs

Observatory of jobs in the Textiles / Fashion / Leather fields

Find the list of careers, training courses, and key figures on textile employment as well as qualitative and quantitative studies on issues related to employment and career development (age management, equal opportunity, development trends, etc.).



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